
Sunday, 20 October 2024

The coat

The coat is finally finished. It turned out great. I was gonna wear to a funeral and I managed to finish it on time but I ended up wearing something else.

I love the coat and it kind of gives Harry Potter vibes. It's nice and warm and will be prefect for fall and winter. I made it from a pattern I took from a coat I found in a second hand store. That really is the best way to grow your collection of patterns. It's easy, you got the seam allowance and you know it fits you. 

I made coat from black flannel and a burgundy shiny lining. I put only one clasp as closing so the clothes underneath will show.  

Friday, 4 October 2024

Pinned and ready

Had a full day today with fixing company papers and meetings.

After that I started pinning together a coat that's been laying around for months now. I got most of the pieces pinned. I also cut and pinned the parts for the back lacing. So tomorrow I can start sewing. Finally. 

I love that coat pattern. I took it from a coat I found in a second hand store. Taking apart old clothes and using them as pattern is just the best and you know they will fit.

It can also be a good way to make your fast fashion clothes not end up in some landfill. Give them an extended life as a pattern for new clothes. 

Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Vacation almost over

I have a few days of vacation left. I spent my vacation, from my regular job, working in our own company. Making live events, visiting customers and organizing the warehouse. 

I was also able to squeeze in a few days of cleaning and decluttering our house as well. Swedish deathcleaning for the win. I'm swedish and this has been a thing here for ages but I was very surprised when I saw that that concept has become very popular even outside of sweden. It is a bit morbid and dark but it really works. 

It is basically you go through your stuff and throw away or donate what you don't use or need. So when you pass away your loved ones don't have to deal with a ton a stuff. 

There are so many youtube videos that explain it and you get to see the creators process when utilizing this method. 

TBR (to-be-read list)

 My goodreads profile. Feel free to add me as friend there.

Sanatorium  (Sarah Pearse)

Hex  (thomas olde heuvelt)

dark hunter series  (Sherrilyn kenyon) (read 3 of them)

Sutter cane 

Castle Perilous series (read 2 of them and I love them)

Friday, 24 May 2024


It turns out making paper is a bit addictive not to mention it's a lot of fun. And I also discovered that making notebooks is superfun and slightly addictive.

I make my notebooks both from the paper I make and from printer paper I save from the trash. I can't stop making them and I'm starting to build up a webshop so more people can enjoy my creations too.

Here is a link to my store. It's only in Swedish at the moment.

Friday, 21 July 2023

Wish skin care

A few weeks ago I was looking through wish and saw a lot of what I consider inexpensive skincare. 

So I decided to buy a few, try them out and see if it's worth the money. 

Overall it was a pleasant experience and most of the creams I got were rich in moisture, absorbed quickly and weren't sticky. 

2 of the creams left a white layer on the skin and made all my pores white. Those were supposed to have a brightening effect on skin....did not work for me.

The hot cream is amazing. It's supposed to be anti-cellulite and sliming. I can't say anything about that but for sore aching muscles, it is so good. 

Friday, 10 February 2023

Papermaking with video

 I figured I would share how I make my paper.

It's very easy and you don't need any fancy stuff. I have a more fancy mold and deckle that I got from a seller on etsy 

But you can easily make one with picture frames and mosquito nets. 

Also I usually pre-soak my paper in a tub of water after I run it through a paper shredder. If you do that you don't have to mix as long to get a nice smooth paper pulp. The more you mix and blend the finer the paper will be.